sp_help_jobserver (T-SQL)

Returns information about the server for a given job.


sp_help_jobserver [@job_id =] job_id |
    [@job_name =] 'job_name'
[,[@show_last_run_details =] show_last_run_details]

[@job_id =] job_id
Is the job identification number for which to return information. job_id is uniqueidentifier, with a default of NULL.
[@show_last_run_detail =] 'job_name'
Is the job name for which to return information. job_name is varchar(100), with a default of NULL.

Note Either job_id or job_name must be specified, but both cannot be specified.

[@show_last_run_details =] show_last_run_details
Is whether the last-run execution information is part of the result set. show_last_run_details is tinyint, with a default of 0. 0 does not include last-run information, and 1 does.
Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
server_id int Identification number of the target server.
server_name nvarchar(30) Computer name of the target server.
enlist_date datetime Date the target server enlisted into the master server (MSX).
last_poll_date datetime Date the target server last polled the MSX.

If sp_help_jobserver is executed with show_last_run_details set to 1, the result set has these additional columns.

Column name Data type Description
last_run_date int Date the job last started execution on this target server
last_run_time int Time the job last started execution on this server
last_run_duration int Duration of the job the last time it ran on this target server (in seconds)
last_outcome_message nvarchar(1024) Outcome of the job the last time it ran on this server:
0 = Failed
1 = Succeeded
3 = Canceled
5 = Unknown.


Permissions to execute this procedure default to the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_owner fixed data base role, who can grant permissions to other users.


This example returns information, including last-run information, about the Archive Tables job.

USE msdb

EXEC sp_help_jobserver 'Archive Tables', 1


See Also
sp_add_jobserver System Stored Procedures


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