Returns information about merge filter(s).
sp_helpmergefilter [@publication =] 'publication' [,[@article =] 'article']
[,[@filtername =] 'filtername']
Column name | Data type | Description |
join_filterid | int | ID of the join filter |
filtername | sysname | Name of the filter |
join article name | sysname | Name of the join article |
join_filterclause | nvarchar(2000) | Filter clause qualifying the join |
join_unique_key | int | Whether to join is on a unique key |
base table owner | sysname | Name of the owner of the base table |
base table name | sysname | Name of the base table |
join table owner | sysname | Name of the owner of the table being joined to the base table |
join table name | sysname | Name of the table being joined to the base table |
article name | sysname | Name of the article |
sp_helpmergefilter is used in merge replication.
Execute permissions default to the public role.
sp_ addmergefilter | sp_dropmergefilter |
sp_changemergefilter | System Stored Procedures |