sp_helpmergefilter (T-SQL)

Returns information about merge filter(s).


sp_helpmergefilter [@publication =] 'publication' [,[@article =] 'article']
[,[@filtername =] 'filtername']

[@publication =] 'publication'
Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with no default.
[@article =] 'article'
Is the name of the article. article is sysname, with a default of %, which returns the names of all articles.
[@filtername =] 'filtername'
Is the name of the filter about which to return information. filtername is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all the filters defined on the article or publication.
Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
join_filterid int ID of the join filter
filtername sysname Name of the filter
join article name sysname Name of the join article
join_filterclause nvarchar(2000) Filter clause qualifying the join
join_unique_key int Whether to join is on a unique key
base table owner sysname Name of the owner of the base table
base table name sysname Name of the base table
join table owner sysname Name of the owner of the table being joined to the base table
join table name sysname Name of the table being joined to the base table
article name sysname Name of the article


sp_helpmergefilter is used in merge replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also
sp_ addmergefilter sp_dropmergefilter
sp_changemergefilter System Stored Procedures


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