sp_helpmergepublication (T-SQL)

Returns information about a merge publication.


sp_helpmergepublication [[@publication =] 'publication']
    [,[@found =] 'found'] [OUTPUT]
    [,[@publication_id =] 'publication_id'] [OUTPUT]
    [,[@reserved =] 'reserved']

[@publication =] 'publication'
Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all merge publications in the current database.
[@found =] 'found' [OUTPUT]
Is a flag to indicate returning rows. found is int and an OUTPUT parameter, with a default of NULL. 1 indicates the publication is found. 0 indicates the publication is not found.
[@publication_id =] 'publication_id' [OUTPUT]
Is the publication identification number. publication_id is uniqueidentifier and an OUTPUT parameter, with a default of NULL.
[@reserved =] 'reserved'
Reserved for internal use.
Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
id int Sequential order of the publication in the list
name sysname Name of the publication
description nvarchar(255) Description of the publication
status tinyint When publication data will be available
retention int Amount of change, in days, to save for the given publication
sync_mode tinyint Mode of the synchronization
allow_push int Whether push subscriptions can be created for the given publication
allow_pull int Whether pull subscriptions can be created for the given publication
allow_anonymous int Whether anonymous subscriptions can be created for the given publication
centralized_conflicts int Whether conflict records are stored on the given Publisher
priority float(8) Priority of the loop-back subscription
snapshot_ready tinyint Whether the snapshot of this publication is ready
publication_type int Type of publication
pubid uniqueidentifier Unique identifier of this publication
snapshot_jobid binary(16) Job ID of the Snapshot Agent
enabled_for_internet int Whether the publication is enabled for the Internet
dynamic_filter int Whether a dynamic filter is used
has_subscription bit Whether the publication has any subscriptions


sp_helpmergepublication is used in merge replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also
sp_addmergepublication sp_dropmergepublication
sp_changemergepublication System Stored Procedures


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