sp_helppullsubscription (T-SQL)

Displays information about one or more subscriptions at the Subscriber.


sp_helppullsubscription [[@publisher =] 'publisher']
    [,[@publisher_db =] 'publisher_db'] [,[@publication =] 'publication']
    [,[@show_push =] 'show_push']

[@publisher =] 'publisher'
Is the name of the remote server. publisher is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all the Publishers.
[@publisher_db =] 'publisher_db'
Is the name of the Publisher database. publisher_db is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all the Publisher databases.
[@publication =] 'publication'
Is the name of the publication. publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns all the publications.
[@show_push =] 'show_push'
Is whether all push subscriptions are to be returned. show_push is nvarchar(5), with a default of FALSE, which does not return all push subscriptions.
Result Sets
Column name Data type Description
publisher sysname Name of the Publisher
publisher database sysname Name of the Publisher database
publication sysname Name of the publication
subscription type int Subscription type to the publication
distribution agent nvarchar(100) Distribution Agent handling the subscription
publication description nvarchar(255) Description of the publication
last updating time date Time the subscription information was updated
subscription name varchar(386) Name of the subscription
last transaction timestamp varbinary(16) Timestamp of the last replicated transaction
update mode tinyint Type of updates allowed
distribution agent job_id int Job ID of the Distribution Agent
subscription guid binary(16) Global identifier for the version of the subscription on the publication
subid binary(16) Global identifier for an anonymous subscription
immediate_sync bit Whether the synchronization files are created or re-created each time the Snapshot Agent runs
enabled_for_synmgr int Whether the subscription can be synchronized through the Microsoft Synchronization Manager.


sp_helppullsubscription is used in snapshot and transactional replication.


Execute permissions default to the public role.

See Also
sp_addpullsubscription System Stored Procedures


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