Returns the list of linked servers defined in the local server.
0 (success) or a nonzero number (failure)
Column name | Data type | Description |
SRV_NAME | sysname | Name of the linked server |
SRV_PROVIDERNAME | nvarchar(128) | Friendly name of the OLE DB provider managing access to the specified linked server |
SRV_PRODUCT | nvarchar(128) | Product name of the linked server |
SRV_DATASOURCE | nvarchar(4000) | OLE DB data source property corresponding to the specified linked server |
SRV_PROVIDERSTRING | nvarchar(4000) | OLE DB provider string property corresponding to the linked server |
SRV_LOCATION | nvarchar(4000) | OLE DB location property corresponding to the specified linked server |
SRV_CAT | sysname | OLE DB catalog property corresponding to the specified linked server |
sp_catalogs | sp_tables_ex |
sp_indexes | sp_column_privileges |
sp_foreignkeys | sp_table_privileges |
sp_primarykeys | System Stored Procedures |
sp_columns_ex |