sp_replshowcmds (T-SQL)

Returns the commands for transactions marked for replication in readable format.  sp_replshowcmds can be run only when client connections (including the current connection) are not reading replicated transactions from the log.


sp_replshowcmds [@maxtrans =] maxtrans

[@maxtrans =] maxtrans
Is the number of transactions about which to return information. maxtrans is int, with a default of 1, which specifies the maximum number of transactions pending replication for which sp_replshowcmds will return information.
Result Sets

sp_replshowcmds is a diagnostic procedure that returns information about the publication database from which it is executed.

Column name Data type Description
xact_seqno binary(10) Sequence number of the command
originator_id int ID of the command originator, always 0
publisher_database_id int ID of the Publisher database, always 0
article_id int ID of the article
type int Type of command
command nvarchar(1024) Transact-SQL command


sp_replshowcmds is used in transactional replication.

Using sp_replshowcmds, you can view transactions that currently are not distributed (those transactions remaining in the transaction log that have not been sent to the Distributor).

Clients that run sp_replshowcmds and sp_replcmds within the same database receive error 18752.

To avoid this error, the first client must disconnect or the client’s role as log reader must be released by executing sp_replflush. After all clients have disconnected from the log reader, sp_replshowcmds can be run successfully.

Note sp_replshowcmds should be run only to troubleshoot problems with replication.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or the db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_replshowcmds.

See Also
Error Messages sp_replflush
sp_replcmds sp_repltrans
sp_repldone System Stored Procedures


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