syscurconfigs (T-SQL)

Contains an entry for each of the current configuration options. In addition, this table contains four entries that describe the configuration structure. syscurconfigs is built dynamically when queried by a user. For more information, see sysconfigures.

Column name Data type Description
value int User-modifiable value for the variable (being used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ only if RECONFIGURE has been executed).
config smallint Configuration variable number.
comment nvarchar(255) Explanation of the configuration option.
status smallint Bitmap indicating the status for the option.
Possible values include:
0 = Static (The setting takes effect when the
server is restarted.)
1 = Dynamic (The variable takes effect when the
RECONFIGURE statement is executed.)
2 = Advanced (The variable is displayed only
when the show advanced option is set.)
3 = Dynamic and advanced

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