syslanguages (T-SQL)

Contains one row for each language present in Microsoft® SQL Server™. Although U.S. English is not in syslanguages, it is always available to SQL Server. This table is stored only in the master database.

Column name Data type Description
langid smallint Unique language ID.
dateformat nchar(3) Date order (for example, DMY).
datefirst tinyint First day of the week: 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on through 7 for Sunday.
upgrade int Reserved for system use.
name sysname Official language name (for example, français).
alias sysname Alternate language name (for example, French).
months nvarchar(372) Comma-separated list of full-length month names in order from January through December, with each name containing as many as 20 characters.
shortmonths varchar(132) Comma-separated list of short-month names in order from January through December, with each name containing as many as 9 characters.
days nvarchar(217) Comma-separated list of day names in order from Monday through Sunday, with each name containing as many as 30 characters.
lcid int Microsoft Windows NT® locale ID for the language.
mslangid smallint SQL Server message group ID.

Twenty-four SQL Server provided languages are installed. Here is a list of the languages.

Name in English NT LCID SQL Server Message Group ID
English 1033 1033
German 1031 1031
French 1036 1036
Japanese 1041 1041
Danish 1030 1030
Spanish 1034 1034
Italian 1040 1040
Dutch 1043 1043
Norwegian 2068 2068
Portuguese 2070 2070
Finnish 1035 1035
Swedish 1053 1053
Czech 1029 1029
Hungarian 1038 1038
Polish 1045 1045
Romanian 1048 1048
Croatian 1050 1050
Slovak 1051 1051
Slovene 1060 1060
Greek 1032 1032
Bulgarian 1026 1026
Russian 1049 1049
Turkish 1055 1055


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