sysmergesubscriptions (T-SQL)

Contains one row for each known Subscriber and is a local table at the Publisher. This table is stored in the published database.

Column name Data type Description
subid uniqueidentifier Unique identification number for Subscription.
partnerid uniqueidentifier ID of the partner to which it subscribes.
datasource_type int Type of data source:
0 = SQL Server
2 = Jet OLE DB
datasource_path nvarchar(255) If a Jet datasource, path to the .mdb file.
srvid int Contains the sysservers.srvguid and, with db_name, allows for the subscription to be identified in the local server.
db_name sysname Name of the subscribing database.
pubid uniqueidentifier ID of the publication from which the current subscription was created.
status tinyint Status of the subscription:
0 = Inactive
1 = Active
2 = Deleted
subscriber_type int Type of Subscriber:
1 = Global
2 = Local
3 = Anonymous
subscription_type int Type of subscription:
0 = Push
1 = Pull
2 = Anonymous
priority real Specifies the subscription priority and allows the implementation of priority-based conflict resolution. 0.00 for all local or anonymous subscriptions.
sync_type tinyint Type of synchronization:
1 = Automatic
2 = No synchronization
description nvarchar(255) Brief description of the subscription.
login_name sysname Name of the user who created the subscription.
last_validated datetime Time of the last successful validation of Subscriber data.


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