System Tables (T-SQL)

The information used by Microsoft® SQL Server™ and its components are stored in special tables known as system tables.

Note System tables should not be altered directly by any user. For example, do not attempt to modify system tables with DELETE, UPDATE, or INSERT statements, or user-defined triggers.

Applications should not be written to query the system tables directly. Applications should instead use any of these components to retrieve information stored in the system tables:

These components constitute a published API for obtaining system information from SQL Server. Microsoft maintains the compatibility of these components from release to release. The format of the system tables is dependent upon the internal architecture of SQL Server and may change from release to release. Therefore, applications that directly access the system tables may have to be changed before they can access a later version of SQL Server.

System Tables in the master Database Only

These tables store server-level system information.

sysaltfiles sysdevices sysoledbusers
syscacheobjects syslanguages sysperfinfo
syscharsets syslockinfo sysprocesses
sysconfigures syslogins sysremotelogins
syscurconfigs sysmessages sysservers

System Tables in Every Database

These tables store database-level system information for each database.

sysallocations sysfiles sysobjects
syscolumns sysforeignkeys syspermissions
syscomments sysfulltextcatalogs sysprotects
sysconstraints sysindexes sysreferences
sysdepends sysindexkeys systypes
sysfilegroups sysmembers sysusers

SQL Server Agent Tables in the msdb Database

These tables store information used by SQL Server Agent.

sysalerts sysjobschedules systargetservergroupmembers
syscategories sysjobservers systargetservergroups
sysdownloadlist sysjobsteps systargetservers
sysjobhistory sysnotifications systaskids
sysjobs sysoperators  

Tables in the msdb Database

These tables store information used by database backup and restore operations.

backupfile backupset restorefilegroup
backupmediafamily restorefile restorehistory

Tables Used to Store Replication Information

These tables are used by replication and stored in the master database.

sysarticles syspublications sysservers
sysdatabases sysreplicationalerts syssubscriptions

These tables are used by replication and stored in the distribution database.

MSagent_parameters MSmerge_agents Msrepl_originators
MSagent_profiles MSmerge_history MSrepl_transactions
MSarticles MSmerge_subscriptions MSrepl_version
MSdistpublishers MSpublication_access MSsnapshot_agents
MSdistributiondbs Mspublications MSsnapshot_history
MSdistribution_agents Mspublisher_databases MSsubscriber_info
MSdistribution_history MSreplication_objects MSsubscriber_schedule
MSdistributor MSreplication_subscriptions MSsubscriptions
MSlogreader_agents MSrepl_commands MSsubscription_properties
MSlogreader_history MSrepl_errors  

These tables are used by replication and stored in the user’s database.

MSmerge_contents MSmerge_tombstone sysmergeschemachange
MSmerge_delete_conflicts sysarticleupdates sysmergesubscriptions
MSmerge_genhistory sysmergearticles sysmergesubsetfilters
MSmerge_replinfo sysmergepublications  


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