
This topic describes problems that may be encountered when using Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services. It also includes possible causes and solutions.

Problem Possible Cause Solution
User can’t connect to server computer that stores a cube or virtual cube. User lacks Microsoft Windows NT® permissions. Ensure the user logon provides access to the server.
User can’t browse a cube or virtual cube. User lacks permissions to data source containing cube’s source data. Ensure the user logon provides access to the data source.
User views old version of a cube or virtual cube. 1. Cube or virtual cube was changed but not processed. 1. Administrator must process cube or virtual cube. Then user must reconnect to the server computer.
  2. Cube or virtual cube was processed during the user’s browse session. 2. User must reconnect to the server computer.
Change to user’s or administrator’s permissions or group memberships is not effective. User or administrator was logged on to Windows NT while change was made and has not logged off. User or administrator must log off Windows NT and then log on again.
When attempting to register an OLAP server, an error occurs such as “Connection to server failed...Your permissions on the server computer do not allow you to administer this OLAP server.” On the server to be registered, the user or administrator attempting to register the OLAP server must be a member of the Windows NT “OLAP Administrators” group. On the server to be registered, add the user or administrator to the “OLAP Administrators” group. The user or administrator must log off Windows NT and then log on again for the group membership to become effective.
During cube processing or aggregation design, a message appears indicating there’s insufficient disk space for temporary files. The temporary file folder used by OLAP Services is on a disk that contains insufficient free space. Specify a temporary file folder on another disk with more space. For more information, see Properties Dialog Box - General Tab.
The OLAP Services service, MSSQLServerOLAPService, will not start. OLAP Services is installed in a root folder whose first word in not unique among root folder names on the same disk. For example, OLAP Services is installed in the Program Files root folder, and another root folder exists with the name “Program”. Rename the root folder that does not contain OLAP Services. For example, rename the Program folder.
Some rows in the fact table are not read when a cube or partition is processed or incrementally updated. The source data lacks referential integrity. For example, the cube’s fact table contains foreign key values that are not present in a joined dimension table’s primary key column. Correct the referential integrity of the source data so that inner joins between the fact and dimension tables include all rows in the fact table.
Some characters do not display correctly in some non-English versions. The current display font does not support the full character set for the language in use, specifically characters in the extended ASCII character set.

OLAP Services uses the system’s Icon font setting for the majority of its user interface display.

Change the display font to one that supports the extended character set for the language in use:

1. Run the Display application in Control Panel, and then click the Appearance tab.

2. Select Icon in the Item list and then select a font in the Font list that supports the extended ASCII character set, such as Times New Roman or Tahoma.

An error such as “License Information For This Component Not Found...” occurs when you attempt to use certain controls in Microsoft Visual Basic®. Visual Basic was installed after OLAP Services. OLAP Services installs controls with a license for run time use. The Visual Basic installation program failed to install these components properly for use in the design environment. On the internet, go to and fill out the no-cost registration form.

On the search screen:

1. In “My search is about:” Select Visual Basic.

2. In “I want to search by:” choose “Specific article ID number.”

3. In “My question is:” enter Q181854.

4. Click Find and follow the instructions in the article.

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