The Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ComponentChecker is a tool that can:
Each of these operations is described in detail in this document. This document also describes command-line options and .ini file settings.
This section describes how to determine which version of MDAC you are currently running on your computer.
The program attempts to identify the MDAC version on your computer, based on versions of the core MDAC files. If a given snapshot of the MDAC files has more matches for one version than for other versions, you receive the following message:
The version which closely matches your machine is XXXX.
The program then uses the identified version to complete the analysis. If the snapshot identifies more than one version of MDAC on your computer, the program notifies you and asks you to select a version from a drop-down list.
This section describes how to remove MDAC components from your computer.
This produces a warning message asking you to confirm your action.
If there are components in use that would prevent the successful removal of all MDAC components, you receive an error message telling you so. When you dismiss the message, the in-use components are displayed in the Summary Report view. (See the “Show Components in Use” section of this document for information about showing in-use components without performing a removal.)
When the program has verified that it can successfully remove the MDAC components, it prompts you for a redistributable .exe file, to be run immediately after the removal has completed. (See the description of the /NR option in the “Command-Line Options” section of this document for information on how to skip this step.)
The program then removes your MDAC components and runs the redistribution program. When the redistribution program finishes, the ComponentChecker shuts down.
Note The files that the program doesn't remove are listed in the DeleteExceptionList.csv file in the \Streams subdirectory in which you installed the program. This is simply a text file that you can edit to customize files that are not removed.
This section describes how to remove MDAC components from your computer without additional input from you during the process.
To remove MDAC components automatically
The program then removes the MDAC components without further input.
Note The build from which the removal occurs is based on the type of analysis last selected. (This information is contained in the ComCheck.ini file described in this document.)
This section describes how to obtain a list of components currently in use on your system. You can use this procedure to determine whether or not you can successfully remove MDAC components. This is easier than repeatedly attempting the removal process, only to find that you have critical components in use.
The Summary Report lists the components in use. The components displayed with a red icon are the ones that can prevent you from removing MDAC components. The components displayed with a yellow icon are in use, and will not prevent you from removing MDAC components.
A support person can use this procedure to read information from a client's computer. This procedure has two parts:
The Save dialog box appears.
The program saves information about the computer’s current state using text files and notifies you where the text files are located.
A snapshot is a set of .csv files that stores data for a particular version of MDAC components. This section describes how to take a snapshot of your current system.
The snapshot of your computer is now complete and its name will appear on the Perform Analysis Against Selected Version drop-down list in the ComponentChecker—Choose Analysis Type dialog box.
This section describes how to rerun an analysis using MDAC ComponentChecker.
The original ComponentChecker—Choose Analysis Type dialog box appears.
Note If you use the /Q command-line option, the program always selects the same type of analysis you ran previously.
Option | Operation |
/D | Removes the entire set of MDAC components. |
/I | Identifies a string containing the name of an .ini file other than the default. The default file is ComCheck.ini. |
/NR | Removes components without specifying a redistribution .exe file. |
/O | Displays saved information from other computers. |
/Q | Selects the same option as that previously selected from the dialog box. |
/R | Registers or unregisters COM objects. |
/REMOVE | Removes components unattended. The /REMOVE option must always be used with the /Q option. |
/S | Takes snapshots. |
ComCheck.ini is the default initialization file and is located in the root directory of the MDAC ComponentChecker installation. You can change the following sections in this file:
The following table describes the contents of the ComCheck.ini file:
Section | Contains… |
CurrentBuilds | The name of the string that you see in the initial drop-down list, followed by the name of the directory that contains snapshots. You can remove the MDAC-specific entries so that they don’t show up in your list box. You can also delete the associated subdirectories in the \Streams subdirectory of your Install directory. The following strings are displayed in the initial drop-down list and the directory that contains snapshots:
[CurrentBuilds] 2.1 GA=2.1 GA 2.1 SP1=2.1 SP1 2.1 RTM=2.1 RTM 2.0 SP2=2.0SP2 2.0 SP1=2.0SP1 |
User Selection | A list of user selections:
[User Selection] SelectedBuildDescription=2.0 SP2 BuildDirectory=2.0SP2 OptionSelected=SelectBuild OptionTakeSnapshot=SaveCustom WindowTitle=MDAC In this list, SelectedBuildDescription, BuildDirectory, and OptionSelected are settings that show the last analysis you performed. WindowTitle specifies the custom name you see in the program title. |
Custom Settings | Settings that determine whether multiple instances of the program can be run.
[Custom Settings] MultipleInstances=0 AlgorithmType=0 MultipleInstances: Set to 0 (zero) to run only a single instance Set to 1 to run multiple instances of the AlgorithmType indicates the type of algorithm used to identify the build: Set to 0 (zero) to have the files listed in Set to 1 for the program to count the number The Custom Settings section also contains two new settings to enable or disable the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and OLE database trees in the user interface: EnableOLEDBView=1 EnableODBCView=1 Set either parameter to 0 (zero) to disable it. Set either parameter to 1 to enable it. |
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