Phase 2 - Develop

During the development phase, you implement and refine the plan created during the planning phase.
The following personnel need to be involved in the development phase:
During the development phase, you continue to refine the profiles you created during the planning phase:
- User profile: Becomes more specific as you develop the transactions to deploy at your site. Collecting data on user visits to your site, including the frequency and duration of visits and use of various operations, is critical to developing a site that meets your business needs.
- Site profile: Should now include details such as the size of the data to be searched and returned in queries and typical catalog searches. Your plan for the site should contain the size of each Web page and the number of images and links. To account for overhead, you should also decide the security level for each page at this point.
- Performance targets: Can be developed on a per-operation basis. During this phase, you must develop a capacity requirement for each operation in terms of rate or operations-per-second, as well as acceptable end-user latency.
- Hardware profile: Can be adjusted, if necessary, based on any new information developed during this phase.
The following tools can help you accomplish your development tasks:
The following product features can also help you accomplish your development tasks:
- Content Analyzer (verifying links on your site)
- Content Deployment (staging and producing your site)
You can extend the functionality of Site Server by developing in-house scripts and code.
For more information, see: