Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Direct Mail Capacity and Performance Analysis

April 1999

Microsoft Corporation

Definition of Terms

Mailer–Specific Terms Meaning
Distribution List List of recipients by e-mail name
Membership Directory Directory containing user properties including e-mail name and interests
AUO Active User Object: Web server script object that handles member operations in Site Server 3.0
ASP Active Server Page: a page that contains BASIC-type code that executes on the Microsoft Web Server

Chapter 1 Overview

This document evaluates the performance and scalability characteristics of Microsoft® Site Server version 3.0 Direct Mail. Also demonstrated are procedures for identifying these characteristics. This document can be used to assess the value of adding resources, and to identify which resources would satisfy greater capacity needs.

Analyzing Direct Mail

System Configuration

In the test scenarios, five computers were used in the following configurations:

Direct Mail Processor Scaling

Sender: CPU: 2 x 100-MHz Pentium
  Memory: 128 MB of RAM
Disk: 4.3-GB SCSI
Network: 100 BaseT (switched)
Software: Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0 Option Pack,
Site Server version 3.0 (List Builder Service, Message Builder Service,
and Direct Mailer)
SMTP: CPU: 4 x 66-MHz Pentium
  Memory: 512 MB of RAM
Disk: 2-GB, 2-GB, 20-GB SCSI
Network: 100 BaseT (switched)
Software: Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack,
Windows NT Resource Kit
LDAP: CPU: 2 x 200-MHz Pentium Pro
  Memory: 256 MB of RAM
Disk: 4.3-GB SCSI
Network: 100 BaseT (switched)
Software: Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Site Server 3.0
SQL: CPU: 4 x 133-MHz Pentium
  Memory: 512 MB of RAM
Disk: 22-GB SCSI RAID 0
Network: 100 BaseT (switched)
Software: Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 6.5 Service Pack 3
Web Server: CPU: 4 x 133-MHz Pentium
  Memory: 1-GB of RAM
Disk: 12-GB SCSI RAID 0
Network: 100 BaseT (switched)
Software: Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
Microsoft® Internet Information Server version 4.0

Test Profiles

Test Name Test Description
Personalized Static Mail Static HTML that is personalized on the Web Server
Non-Personalized Static Mail Static HTML.
Personalized Dynamic Mail generated via ASP using AUO and is also personalized on the Web server
Non-Personalized Mail Mail generated via ASP using AUO.

Direct Mail Description

Introduction to Direct Mailer

Direct Mail sends electronic mail to groups of users. In addition to sending bulk mail to existing customers, you can use Direct Mail to send bulk e-mail to Web site users. You can also personalize messages according to these factors:

The mail process can be automated. For example, every Monday morning, Direct Mail can check which users have browsed the site for your new product in the past week. E-mail can then be sent to those users. Note that users who have never seen the site before will receive an introductory message; users who have been to the site more than once will receive more detailed information about the product. This task can be scheduled for low activity periods, such as before 4:00 A.M., so that your computers are free for your normal business activities.

Direct Mail utilizes several components:

Interaction and process of Direct Mail

The following diagram shows the Direct Mail service broken down by the physical servers that house the interacting components.

The process of sending mail operates in three distinct phases:

Summary of Scalability and Performance

Based on the data collected in this document, the following assertions can be made about scaling and performance for Direct Mail:

Chapter 2 Detail Discussion of Scalability and Performance

Time to Complete a Mailing

This chart shows that the time resource cost for adding personalization to a simple HTML is approximately 40 percent greater.

It also shows that a simple dynamic script can increase the time to complete a mailing by 20 percent over a static script. The script in this example is in Appendix B. It is an uncomplicated script. More complex scripts will increase maximum throughput and time to completion.

Time per mailing by mail type

List Size Personalized Static Non-Personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-Personalized Dynamic
1,000 1.07 minutes 0.76 minutes not measured 2.16 minutes
10,000 28 minutes 10 minutes 25.25 minutes 12.25 minutes
50,000 61 minutes 44 minutes 119.5 minutes 49 minutes
100,000 127 minutes 89 minutes 240.25 minutes 97.75 minutes

Maximum transaction rates

These tables display the maximum mail send rate when it is in the send and receive mail phase. The rates show the maximum sustainable speed at different list sizes.

Maximum send rate by mail type

List Size Personalized Static Non-personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-personalized Dynamic
1,000 26 msg/sec 54 msg/sec 9.734 msg/sec 44 msg/sec
10,000 26 msg/sec 53.5 msg/sec 9.733 msg/sec 43.534 msg/sec
50,000 26 msg/sec 53.7 msg/sec 9.801 msg/sec 43.801 msg/sec
100,000 26 msg/sec 53.5 msg/sec 9.934 msg/sec 44.467 msg/sec

Memory Utilization on the
Message Builder/List Builder Computer

This chart shows the maximum private bytes utilized by the Message Builder and List Builder Services while sending the different transactions. These memory consumption values are only for the mail services and do not include the memory used by Windows NT or any other process running on the server.

Memory utilization on Message Builder/List Builder by mail type

List Size Personalized Static Non-Personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-Personalized Dynamic
1,000 Members 4,608 KB 4,476 KB 6,840 KB 6,733 KB
10,000 Members 9,332 KB 8,039 KB 9,056 KB 7,548 KB
50,000 Members 23,989 KB 22,624 KB 23,944 KB 21,372 KB
100,000 Members 40,916 KB 48,808 KB 47,509 KB 40,260 KB

SQL Resource Utilization

The SQL server maintains the database for the Membership Directory. During the first phase of the mailing operation it handles the requests from the LDAP server for the user objects. This table details the CPU utilization for this system. The disk subsystem on the SQL server is also utilized. The specifications and recommendations for this specific subsystem are documented in a separate paper. The SQL server should be optimized as described in the Site Server 3.0 Membership Directory Configuration and Tuning document, which is also available from Microsoft.

List Size Measured Data Personalized Static Non-Personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-Personalized Dynamic
1,000 CPU 16% 16% 10% 11%
  Phase Length 8 seconds 8 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds
10,000 CPU 6.04% 5.86% 5.90% 6.34%
  Phase Length 4 minutes 6 minutes 5 minutes 4.25 minutes
50,000 CPU 12.10% 11.02% 11.13% 11.01%
  Phase Length 9 minutes 11 minutes 10 minutes 10.5 minutes
100,000 CPU 13.75% 13.44% 12.70% 11.60%
  Phase Length 18 minutes 18 minutes 18.5 minutes 20.25 minutes

The phase length in this table refers to the active period for the SQL server specific to the mailer operation. According to the description above this would be phase one.

However, if the personalized script makes use of the AUO object then another request could be made through the LDAP server to the SQL server.

LDAP Server Resource Utilization

The LDAP Service handles the requests for name resolution during the first phase of the mailing operation. The Message Builder Service computer opens a single connection to the LDAP server and makes a continuous stream of requests. The table below details the resource utilization for the LDAP server in this phase.

List Size Measured Data Personalized Static Non-Personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-Personalized Dynamic
1,000 LDAP Searches 16 req/sec 16 req/sec 9.367 req/sec 8 req/sec
  CPU 17% 17% 12% 9%
Phase length 8 seconds 6 seconds 14 seconds 12 seconds
10,000 LDAP Searches 3.35 req/sec 6 req/sec 3.18 req/sec 3.2 req/sec
  CPU 4.13% 9% 3.97% 4.08%
Phase length 4 minutes 13 minutes 5 minutes 4.25 minutes
50,000 LDAP Searches 7.58 req/sec 6.95 req/sec 8.14 req/sec 10.2 req/sec
  CPU 7.71% 9.75% 8.70% 10.80%
Phase length 9 minutes 11 minutes 10 minutes 10.5 minutes
100,000 LDAP Searches 8.69 req/sec 7.7 req/sec 8.89 req/sec 13.1 req/sec
  CPU 9.11% 14.20% 9.40% 13.80%
Phase length 18 minutes 20 minutes 18.5 minutes 20.25 minutes

The phase length in this table refers to the active period for the LDAP server specific to the mailer operation. According to the description above this would be phase one.

However, if the personalized script makes use of the AUO object, then another request could be made through the LDAP server to the SQL server.

WWW Resource Utilization

In this table, the second phase of the mail operation is detailed. The primary resource utilization for this server is the CPU. It should be noted that the script that is run will greatly affect the overall outcome of these results. The script that was used in this test is contained in Appendix B.

List Size Measured Data Personalized Static Non-Personalized Static Personalized Dynamic Non-Personalized Dynamic
1,000 CPU 4% 1% 12% 1%
  Phase Length 40 seconds n/a 1 minute n/a
10,000 CPU 8% 1% 13.31% 1%
  Phase Length 6 minutes n/a 17.5 minutes n/a
50,000 CPU 7.80% 1% 11.91% 1%
  Phase Length 33 minutes n/a 68.5 minutes n/a
100,000 CPU 7.65% 1% 12.70% 1%
  Phase Length 64 minutes n/a 179 minutes n/a

SMTP Resource Utilization

The SMTP server was running an SMTP server emulator (the program is a tool called SuperSink.exe) that did not actually send the message. Refer to the SMTP scaling documents available from Microsoft that address specifications for this component. The transaction rate generated by the mailer directly corresponds to the amount of mail traffic the server should handle.

Appendix A:  Critical Monitoring Counters

All counters noted can be found in the Microsoft® Windows NT® Performance Monitor. These counters will be distributed among the machines in the Personalization and Membership (P&M) service group. The counters in the system and memory objects can be used to monitor capacity.

Physical Disk

Disk Writes/secDisk activity should not sustain maximum transaction rate

Disk Reads/sec

System Object

Context switches/secshould be less than 15,000

%Total Processor should be less than 80%

Processor Object

%Processor Utilization (average)should be less than 80% (for each processor)

Memory Object

Available Bytesshould be greater than 4 MB of RAM

Pages/secshould be less than 1 per second

Site Server Message Builder Service

Messages Sent/sec

SMTP Server

Messages Delivered/sec

Process Object

Private Bytesfor the inetinfo, TMMLBSvc, TMsgBld processes

Appendix B:  ASP Script for AUO

   m_BindAsUserName = "cn=Administrator"
   m_BindAsPassword = "password"
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="dmheader.asp" -->


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
<!-- meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"; charset="iso-8859-1" -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
<title>Direct Mailer Test - Simple AUO page</title>

  response.write "Hello " & m_sFirstName & ", where do you want to go today?" & chr(13)

HTML Page for Static Tests


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Direct Mailer Test - Simple HTML Page</title>

Hello, World!

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