Membership Directory Migration Scenarios

April 1999

Microsoft Corporation

Membership Directory Migration Scenarios

This paper is designed to help Microsoft® Site Server customers manage migration of the Microsoft® Site Server Membership Directory by presenting common migration scenarios, then matching those scenarios with workable migration solutions. The scenarios also describe the migration of partitions associated with a Membership Directory.

Migration 1:  Migrating from Production to Backup or Test Computers


How to do it

Follow the Wizard

  1. Click Next.

  2. Select Complete Configuration and click Next.

  3. Select Connect to an Existing Membership Directory and click Next.

  4. Select Microsoft SQL Server Database and enter the relevant information for your original database on the production computer. Click Next.

  5. Select an appropriate IP Address and port number and click Next.

  6. Enter a username and password for an Administrative account in the Membership Directory, and then click Next.

  7. Select an SMTP server name and click Next.

  8. Click Finish to create your new Membership Directory.

  9. Create new databases on the test server and transfer the production Membership Directory to them:
  10. Change the new Test Membership Directory to point to the test server databases:

Migration 2:  Migrating from a Non-production Site to a Production Site


Potential problems

You will need to schedule down time from the time the databases are transferred until the new Membership Directory is created.

How to do it

Migration 3:  Moving a Partition onto a Different SQL Server Computer


Potential problems

You will need to schedule down time from the time the databases are transferred until the new Membership Directory is created.

How to do it

  1. Create the new database on the new SQL Server computer and transfer the partition database to it. Perform the following steps once for each partition you want to move:
  2. Change the production Membership Directory partition to point to the new SQL Server database:

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