Phase 1 - Plan

A successful Microsoft® Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition configuration requires a clearly articulated vision. By thoroughly examining and planning your configuration before installation, you can significantly increase the efficiency and availability of your service, and ensure that your planning is accurately reflected in future phases of the project.

There are four steps in the planning phase:

The planning phase is critical to the success of your project. To ensure that you have all the essential information you need, we strongly recommend that you include the following personnel in the planning process:

As you collect answers to the Planning Questionnaire, you begin to develop profiles for your users, the site, the hardware, performance targets, and architectural diagrams:

To plan upgrades to an existing site, use the Site Evaluation and Tuning Kit and the Microsoft Complete Commerce Toolkit.

To help you through the planning phase, we have provided a number of other sample planning documents, as well as tools and other resources: