Targeted Mailer Package Program Readme

August 1999

Microsoft Corporation


The Targeted Mailer Package program (TMPkg.exe) lets you create, view, and compare package files for use with Direct Mailer. Direct Mailer uses the package files in conjunction with the List Builder and Message Builder services to send personalized and targeted e-mail to a specific distribution list.

Note   You must define the distribution list in the membership directory before the List Builder service can process the package file.

After you create a package file, you must place it in the \Work directory, as described below. The List Builder service processes the package file and passes it to the Message Builder service. While the List Builder service processes the package file, use the Direct Mailer application to track its status. If an error occurs while processing the package file, the Direct Mailer application displays the error indicating the task (as specified in the .ini file you used to create the package file) in which the error occurred. Once the List Builder service successfully processes the package file and passes the file to the Message Builder service, the Message Builder sends out the mailing according to the data in the package file.

For more information on Distribution Lists, Direct Mailer, List Builder, and Message Builder refer to the Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition documentation.

Using TMPkg.exe

To use TMPkg.exe, copy it to any location on your computer and do the following:

  1. In a text editor, create an .ini file representing the settings for the mailing. Use the information provided later in this document.

  2. Run TMPkg.exe to create the package file.

  3. Rename the package using the file name extension .new and move it into the \Microsoft Site Server\Data\Knowledge\Membership\ListBuilderQueue\Work directory.

.Ini File Format

The following parameters apply to each task you specify in the .ini file.

Parameter Value
Filename = A string representing the file name of the task package.  Ignored if ID= "GUID".
Owner = A string representing the Windows NT/Membership account name of the package owner.
Pwd = A string representing the password of the package owner.
Sender = A string representing the e-mail address of the package owner.
ID = A number representing the package ID. If the word "GUID" is used here, a new GUID is created and assigned to the ID, and the package file name will be assigned <GUID>.new.  In this case the "Filename" entry is ignored.
Subject = A string representing the subject of the message in this package.
Status = Always set to 1.
Template = A string representing the URL of the message template file.
RcptList = A file name which contains a list of DN’s of the recipients, one DN per line or a semicolon-delimited list of DN’s.
MailListType = A number representing the type of the mail list.  (1 = distribution list; 2 = dynamic query)
MailList = A string representing the name of the distribution list.
Personalized = Either TRUE or FALSE indicating if the message is to be personalized.
MsgType = A number representing the type of the message. (0=Text; 1=MIME; 2=MHTML)

The name of the .ini file and the order of the parameters in the file are not important. You can define multiple tasks in the same file to produce multiple task package files.  When defining multiple tasks, you must use the Filename or ID=GUID parameters.

.Ini File Example

The following example represents the contents of one .ini file. This .ini file generates two package files; one named and the other <GUID>.new. The package file is assigned the task name "MailOne" in Direct Mailer and the <GUID>.new package file is assigned the task name "MailTwo."

Filename =
Sender =
Owner = administrator
Pwd = password
ID = 11111111-1111-2222-3333-444412345678
Subject = First Mailing
Status = 1
MsgType = 1
Template = http://computer1/DMailer/template.asp
Personalized = FALSE
MailListType = 1
MailList =
StatusRcptList =

Owner = administrator
Sender =
Pwd = password
Subject = Second Mailing
Status = 1
MsgType = 1
Template = http://computer1/DMailer/template.asp
Personalized = FALSE
MailListType = 1
MailList =
StatusRcptList =

Command Line Format

Use the following format when executing from the command line:

TMPkg [-v | -c] File1 [File2]


-v Displays the package file specified by File1. The file contents are displayed on the screen. The parameter File2 is ignored.
-c Compares the two package files, File1 and File2. Any differences in the parameters used when creating the package files are displayed on the screen.
File1 Specifies the first input file to be viewed or compared if you specify -v or -c. Otherwise an .ini file is specified.
File2 If you specify -c on the command line, this parameter  indicates the second package file to use during a comparison. If you specify -v on the command line, this parameter is not used.

Command Line Examples

The following command-line examples illustrate the use of TMPkg.exe.

Example Result
TMPKG Myfile.ini
Creates the file unless the Filename parameter in the .ini file overrides the setting.
TMPKG Myfile2.ini
Creates a package file based on the settings in the given .ini file. You must specify the file name or ID=GUID in the .ini file.
Displays the contents of the package file to stdout.
Compares the contents of the two package files.

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