-G Command-Line Option

See Also

The Get command copies files from a VSS project into a folder. VSS gets files in response to the Get command and also in response to other commands such as Check Out, Undo Check Out, and Share.

For any of these commands, the -G option is used to change the nature of the Get operation. Many of these options provide command-specific overrides that can be set in the SS.INI file.

The following table lists ways to use the -G option.

Option Description
-G- Get operation is not performed.
-GCC Determines whether the local copy of the file is current by comparing the file's contents.
-GCD Date and time comparison is used to determine whether the local copy of the file is current.
-GCK Checksum is used to determine whether the local copy of the file is current.
-GF Enables the Force_Dir initialization variable for this command.
-GF- Disables the Force_Dir initialization variable for this command.
-GLpath Copies a file to the specified folder, not to the current or working folder.
-GN Specifies the linefeed as the end-of-line character in text files.
-GR Specifies the carriage return as the end-of-line character in text files.
-GRN Specifies the carriage return–linefeed pair as the end-of-line character in text files.
-GTC Local copy is given the current date and time.
-GTM Local copy is given the date and time that the file was last modified, not the current date and time.
-GTU Local copy is given the date and time that the file was last updated, not the current date and time.
-GWA Displays a dialog box asking the user to choose between replacing, skipping, or merging write-only files on Get Latest Version and Check Out operations.
-GWM Merges write-only files on certain operations (Get and Check Out).
-GWR Replaces write-only files on certain operations (Get and Check Out).
-GWS Skips write-only files on certain operations (Get and Check Out).