Open SourceSafe Database Command (File Menu)

See Also

Allows you to switch between VSS databases.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to use this command.


Use this command if you regularly need to access different VSS databases. You need access permissions both on the server storing the database and in the database you are trying to access. When you use this command, the current VSS database is closed and the newly specified one is opened.

You can give each database an easy-to-remember name, and each time you connect to a new database it is added to the list in the Open SourceSafe Database dialog box.

Note   If you used Visual SourceSafe version 4.0 with multiple databases, you may have used the old initialization variable method of switching between databases. In most cases, each separate database will have its own SRCSAFE.INI file, and you can use the Browse button once to find each database and add it to your database list, and then use the Open SourceSafe Database command from then on.

If you don't have a SRCSAFE.INI for one database, create a SRCSAFE.INI file for that database. Put this SRCSAFE.INI file in the directory immediately above the DATA directory.

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