Find Dialog Box

Allows you to enter a string to search for in the current file.

To display the Find dialog box:

Dialog Box Options

Find What

Enter the string you want to find.

Match Whole Word Only

Check this box to match the specified string only if the string is a whole word, not just part of a word.

Match Case

Check this box to make the search case-sensitive.

Regular Expression

If this box is not checked, the * and ? characters are interpreted literally.  Therefore, A*B matches only one string, A*B.

If this box is checked, the * and ? characters are interpreted as wildcards.  Therefore, A?B matches ABB or AQB, and A*B matches ADSFFDFDSB, within a line.

Set Bookmarks on All

Sets bookmarks on all matches in the file.


Specifies whether the search continues up or down in the file.

Find Next

Confirms the search selection.


Cancels the search.