Checkout (Command Line)

See Also

Copies a file from the current project to the current folder, for the purpose of editing.


ss Checkout VSS files [-C] [-F] [-G] [-H] [-I-] [-N] [-O] [-R] [-V] [-Y] [-?]


Checks out file TEST.C from project $/TESTDATA:

ss Checkout $/TESTDATA/TEST.C

Checks out files TEST.C and TEST.H:

ss Checkout TEST.C TEST.H

Checks out all files in the TESTDATA project and all subfolders:

ss Checkout -R $/TESTDATA

The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
-C Use the same comment for all checked-out files.
-G Set options for the retrieved local file.
-R Recursively check out the specified items.
-O Paginate or redirect the command output.
-V Specify which file version to check out.
-F Display files only; do not display projects.
-I- Ignore: Do not ask for input under any circumstances.
-N Change between long and short file name mode.
-Y Specify a username and/or password.
-?, -H Request online Help on a command.

Access Rights

You must have the Check Out access right to use this command.


Only one user can check out binary files at a time.

Check out comments are requested for all files included in the operation, by default. You can use the -C option to type just one comment, which will be applied to all files included in the operation.