Filetype (Command Line)

See Also

Displays the type (text or binary) of a file. Available only from the command line. To find this information in the Explorer, use the File Properties command.


ss Filetype VSS items [-B] [-H] [-I-] [-N] [-O] [-R] [-Y] [-?]


Tells whether HELP.C is text or binary:

ss Filetype HELP.C

Changes HELP.C to a binary file:

ss Filetype HELP.C -B

The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Option Description
-O Paginate or redirect the command output.
-R Recursively work on an entire project list.
-B Change the type of a file. -B changes the file type to binary; -B- changes it to text.
-I- Ignore: Do not ask for input under any circumstances.
-N Change between long and short file name mode.
-Y Specify a username and/or password.
-?, -H Request online Help on a command.

Access Rights

You must have the Read access right to check the type of a file, and the Add access right to change it.


The Filetype command can be used to determine, or change, the type of one or more files. Every file in VSS is classified as either binary or text. If you do not specify a -B option, VSS simply displays the file type.