See Also

PVCS_SS.exe converts a PVCS project or file into a VSS project or file.

VSS and PVCS use different internal file storage methods, so PVCS users cannot simply switch to using VSS; they must first extract all PVCS log files and enter them into VSS projects.

You can convert a project manually by getting a PVCS file and then adding it to VSS.  However, there are disadvantages: It takes a lot of time and is error pron since it does not retain file histories and comments; only the latest version of each file is converted. 

PVCS_SS.exe provides an automatic solution.  It converts PVCS log files into VSS files, with histories and comments intact.

Note   Only the VSS administrator can run PVCS_SS.exe.

Preparing to run PVCS_SS.exe:

  1. Back up your PVCS project files and VSS database.

  2. Make sure both PVCS and VSS are fully installed on your system.  PVCS_SS.exe does not replace the installation process for VSS; it is run after VSS installation.

  3. Log on to VSS as the Admin user.  The best way to do this is by setting environment (operating system) variables at the command prompt.  SSUSER and SSPWD are environment variables that indicate your username and password, respectively.  For example:
    Set ssuser = admin
    Set sspwd = hoof

    By default, the VSS administrator is not assigned a password; specify a password only if you have assigned Admin a password.

  4. Make sure that the PVCS folder (where executable files such as Get.exe and VLog.exe are located), and the VSS folder, are both on your MS-DOS path.  While adding these folders to the path is not required, it makes running PVCS_SS.exe easier.

You are now ready to run the PVCS_SS.exe and convert all your files.

To run PVCS_SS.exe:

  1. Change to the folder where the PVCS log files are located.

    PVCS log files store all your data, comments, histories, and so on.  In general, they are named with the extensions that your filenames use, terminated with a V, so that Test.C becomes Test.C_V, and Test.pas becomes Test.pav.  However, the PVCS configuration setting LOGSUFFIX can change the log file extension name.

  2. Type PVCS_SS <PVCS logfiles> <VSS project>

    The destination VSS project name must start with a dollar sign ($).  Otherwise, this variable is assumed to be a PVCS log file.  A few examples are given below.

    PVCS_SS *.??V $/Project
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all PVCS log files you want to convert.
