Several utility programs are included with VSS. The following table lists these utilities.
Utility | Purpose |
Analyze.exe | Scans a VSS database for database integrity and errors. |
DDCONV.exe | Updates a VSS database from an older format to the current format. |
DDUPD.exe | Upgrades the VSS database to a new format. The new format will initialize the database to take advantage of the Label Promotion and the Performance Enhancements introduced in VSS 6.0. During installation the database may have been upgraded. If a ..\data\labels folder exists, the database is in the new format. The database can also be 'downgraded' with this utility. |
Delta_SS.exe | Converts Microsoft Delta projects or files to VSS projects. |
MKSS.exe | Creates an empty, old format VSS database. Runs automatically when VSS is installed for the first time. |
PVCS_SS.exe | Converts PVCS projects or files to VSS projects. |
SS.exe | Allows MS-DOS command-line syntax to be used in Windows. |
SSARC.EXE | Archives part or all of your VSS database to a compressed archive file. |
SSLogin.exe | Used by integration scripts and macros to find or set a username and optionally the SS.INI file and current project. |
SSRestor.exe | Restores part or all of a VSS archived database file to a VSS database. |
Testlock.exe | Tests file locks to help you determine the network locking mechanism. |
Unlock.exe | Frees database locks after a power failure or other unexpected loss. |
Updini.exe | Converts VSS .ini files that are in a format used prior to version 3.0, to the current format. |