Drag and Drop

See Also

Several drag and drop operations are enabled with VSS. For example, you can drag a file from the file pane to the project pane to quickly share the file with another project. By holding down the CTRL key while dragging a file to a project, you can share and immediately branch the file.

You can also drag a file from Windows Explorer into VSS Explorer to add it to a project, or drag a folder from Windows Explorer into VSS Explorer to create a new project under the project you drop on. You can also select multiple files or folders and do the same thing with several items at once.

If you drag a file you have checked out from Windows Explorer into the VSS project containing that file, you have checked the file in. If you don't have the file checked out, VSS displays an error. You can also drag your working folder for a project from Windows Explorer into the appropriate VSS project to check in all checked-out files in that folder.

Finally, if you drag a Windows shortcut into VSS, VSS allows you to save the shortcut itself, or the file the shortcut points to, in VSS.