Use Command Line Commands and Options

See Also CmdLine_Comment; Concept_AltCmdlineWords;

The following is a list and general description of all the command-line commands.

For additional information on use of the commands, see How to Use Command Line Syntax.

Important   Do not put spaces between an option and the value it acts on. For example, the following command produces an error message:

ss view readme.txt -v 2
Command Action
Add Adds a file to the VSS database.
Branch Allows parallel development of two versions of a file.
Checkin Checks in a file to the VSS database.
Checkout Checks out a file to your working folder.
Cloak Cloaks a VSS project.
Comment Enters a comment into the VSS database.
CP Sets the current project path.
Create Creates a new subproject.
Decloak Decloaks a VSS project.
Deploy Deploys a Web project or file to a server.
Destroy Permanently destroys a file or project.
Diff Shows the differences between the master copy and local copy of a file.
Dir Lists contents of the current project or a specified project.
FileType Displays the type (text or binary) of a file.
Find Shows all instances of a specified string in one or more files.
Get Gets a read-only copy of the specified file(s).
Help Displays Help on using VSS or on a specific command.
History Shows the history of a file or project in VSS.
Label Assigns a label to the specified version or current version of a file or project.
Links Shows the projects sharing a specified file.
Locate Searches through VSS projects for file or project names.
Merge Copies all the changes made in one branch to another branch.
Move Relocates a subproject from one parent project to another.
Password Sets the password for the current user.
Paths Shows all share links that have been branched.
Pin Makes a previous version of a file in the current project behave as if it were the most recent version.
Project Displays the current project path.
Properties Shows basic information about a VSS file or project.
Purge Permanently removes previously deleted files and projects from the VSS database.
Recover Recovers files and projects that have been deleted.
Remove Alternate command name for Delete.
Rename Renames a file or project.
Rollback Undoes all changes since an earlier version of a file.
Share Makes the specified file or project a member of the current project.
Status Shows checkout information on files.
UndoCheckout Undoes the checkout of a file.
Unpin Undoes a Pin operation.
View Displays the text of a file.
Whoami Shows your current VSS username.
Workfold Sets the working folder.


The following list contains a general set of options applicable to many commands. The options are listed in uppercase, but you can also enter them in lowercase.

Option Description Command(s)
-?, -H Give Help on a command instead of executing it. All
-C[-] Use one comment for all specified items. To use no comment, type a dash following the C. Add, Branch, Checkin, Checkout, Comment, Create, Label, Merge, Rollback, and Share
-G Set options for local copy. Check Out, Deploy, Get, Recover, Rollback, Share, and Undo Check Out
-I- Do not ask for input under any circumstances. All
-N Use long or short file name mode (Windows NT and Windows 95 only). All
-O[-] Paginate or redirect the output of the command. To suppress output, type a hyphen after the O. All except CP, Move, Password, Pin, Unpin, and Whoami
-R Do a command recursively. Add, Checkin, Checkout, Deploy, Diff, Dir, Filetype, Find, Get, History, Properties, Share, Status, and Undo Check Out
-S Set Smartmode, performing different actions depending on the particular command. Create, Delete, Destroy, Recover, and Rename
-V Operate on a specific version of an item. Checkout, Comment, Deploy, Dir, Diff, Find, Get, History, Label, Pin, Rollback, Share, and View
-W[-] Make local files read-only or read/write. To override the variable and make a file read-only for one instance of the command, type a hyphen after the W. Add, Checkin project, Deploy Get, Pin, Recover, Rollback, Share, Undocheckout, and Unpin
-Y Specify username and password. Use with all commands. All