Explorer Keyboard Guide

The following tables list keys that can be used to navigate within VSS Explorer.

Navigating within VSS Explorer

Press To
TAB Move between the file list and the project list.
UP ARROW Move up the file list or project list.
DOWN ARROW Move down the file list or project list.
HOME Move to the top of the file list or project list.
END Move to the bottom of the file list or project list.
F6 Go to next pane.
SHIFT+F6 Go to previous pane.
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Move to next file or project, extend selected range.
SHIFT+UP ARROW Move to previous file or project, extend selected range.

File List Navigation Keys

Press To
HOME, then SHIFT+END Select all files in the current project. (Or, simply select the project in the project list.)
ENTER View a file.

    Project List Navigation Keys

    Press To
    ENTER Show (or hide) subprojects.
    NUMPAD * Include projects and subprojects.
    NUMPAD + Expand a project.
    NUMPAD - Collapse a project.