Platform SDK: Synchronization Manager


The registered application must call the ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback::EnableModeless method before and after any dialog boxes are displayed from within the ISyncMgrSynchronize::PrepareForSync and ISyncMgrSynchronize::Synchronize methods.

HRESULT EnableModeless(
  BOOL fEnable      


[in] TRUE if the registered application is requesting permission to display a dialog box or FALSE if the registered application has finished displaying a dialog box.

Return Values

Continue the synchronization.
The dialog box should not be displayed.


To request permission to display a dialog box, the registered application first calls ISyncMgrSynchronize::EnableModeless with fEnable set to TRUE. If S_OK is returned, the registered application may display the dialog box. Once the dialog box has been displayed, the registered application must call ISyncMgrSynchronize::EnableModeless with fEnable set to FALSE to notify SyncMgr that other items may now display user interface elements.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5 or later).
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later (with Internet Explorer 5 or later).
  Header: Declared in Mobsync.h.

See Also

ISyncMgrSynchronize::PrepareForSync, ISyncMgrSynchronize::Synchronize