Platform SDK: TAPI


The lineAgentSpecific function allows the application to access proprietary handler-specific functions of the agent handler associated with the address. The meaning of the extensions are specific to the agent handler. Each set of agent-related extensions is identified by a universally unique 128-bit extension ID that must be obtained, along with the specification for the extension, from the promulgator of that extension (usually the author of the agent handler software on the telephony server). The list of extensions supported by the agent handler is obtained from the LINEAGENTCAPS structure returned by lineGetAgentCaps.

LONG WINAPI lineAgentSpecific(
  HLINE hLine,                    
  DWORD dwAddressID,              
  DWORD dwAgentExtensionIDIndex,  
  LPVOID lpParams,                
  DWORD dwSize                    


A handle to the open line device.
An address on the open line device. An address identifier is permanently associated with an address; the identifier remains constant across operating system upgrades.
The position in the ExtensionIDList structure in LINEAGENTCAPS of the agent handler extension being invoked.
A pointer to a memory area used to hold a parameter block. The format of this parameter block is device specific and its contents are passed by TAPI to and from the agent handler application on the telephony server. This parameter block must specify the function to be invoked and include sufficient room for any data to be returned.
The size, in bytes, of the parameter block area.

Return Values

Returns a positive request identifier if the asynchronous operation starts; otherwise, this function returns one of these negative error values:


Additional return values are specific to the agent handler.


This operation is part of the Extended Telephony services. It provides access to an agent handler-specific feature without defining its meaning.

This function provides a generic parameter profile. The interpretation of the parameter structure is handler specific. Indications and replies sent back to the application that are handler specific should use the LINE_AGENTSPECIFIC message.

An agent handler can provide access to handler-specific functions by defining parameters for use with this function. Applications that want to make use of these extensions should consult the vendor-specific documentation that describes what extensions are defined. Typically, an application that relies on these extensions is not able to work with other agent handler environments.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Version: Requires TAPI 2.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi.h.
  Library: Use Tapi32.lib.

See Also

TAPI 2.2 Reference Overview, Supplementary Line Service Functions, LINEAGENTCAPS, lineGetAgentCaps