Platform SDK: TAPI


The LINELOCATIONENTRY structure describes a location used to provide an address translation context. The LINETRANSLATECAPS structure can contain an array of LINELOCATIONENTRY structures.

typedef struct linelocationentry_tag {
  DWORD  dwPermanentLocationID;
  DWORD  dwLocationNameSize;
  DWORD  dwLocationNameOffset;
  DWORD  dwCountryCode; 
  DWORD  dwCityCodeSize; 
  DWORD  dwCityCodeOffset; 
  DWORD  dwPreferredCardID;
  DWORD  dwLocalAccessCodeSize;
  DWORD  dwLocalAccessCodeOffset;
  DWORD  dwLongDistanceAccessCodeSize;
  DWORD  dwLongDistanceAccessCodeOffset;
  DWORD  dwTollPrefixListSize;
  DWORD  dwTollPrefixListOffset;
  DWORD  dwCountryID;
  DWORD  dwOptions;
  DWORD  dwCancelCallWaitingSize;
  DWORD  dwCancelCallWaitingOffset;


The permanent identifier that identifies the location.
Contains a null-terminated string (size includes the NULL) that describes the location in a user-friendly manner.
The country code of the location.
The preferred calling card when dialing from this location.
Contains a null-terminated string specifying the city/area code associated with the location (the size includes the NULL). This information, along with the country code, can be used by applications to "default" entry fields for the user when entering phone numbers, to encourage the entry of proper canonical numbers.
The size, in bytes, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure of a null-terminated string containing the access code to be dialed before calls to addresses in the local calling area.
The size, in bytes, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure of a null-terminated string containing the access code to be dialed before calls to addresses outside the local calling area.
The size, in bytes, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure of a null-terminated string containing the toll prefix list for the location. The string contains only prefixes consisting of the digits "0" through "9", separated from each other by a single "," (comma) character.
The country identifier of the country/region selected for the location. This can be used with the lineGetCountry function to obtain additional information about the specific country/region, such as the country/region name (the dwCountryCode member cannot be used for this purpose because country codes are not unique).
Indicates options in effect for this location, with values taken from the LINELOCATIONOPTION_ Constants.
The size, in bytes, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure of a null-terminated string containing the dial digits and modifier characters that should be prefixed to the dialable string (after the pulse/tone character) when an application sets the LINETRANSLATEOPTION_CANCELCALLWAITING bit in the dwTranslateOptions parameter of lineTranslateAddress. If no prefix is defined, this may be indicated by dwCancelCallWaitingSize being set to zero, or by it being set to 1 and dwCancelCallWaitingOffset pointing to an empty string (single NULL byte).


This structure may not be extended.

Older applications are compiled without knowledge of these new fields, and using a SIZEOF LINELOCATIONENTRY smaller than the new size. Because this is an array in the variable portion of a LINETRANSLATECAPS structure, it is imperative that older applications receive LINELOCATIONENTRY structures in the format they previously expected, or they are not able to index through the array properly. The application passes in a dwAPIVersion parameter with the lineGetTranslateCaps function, which can be used for guidance by TAPI in handling this situation. The lineGetTranslateCaps function should use the LINELOCATIONENTRY members and size that match the indicated API version, when building the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure to be returned to the application.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Version: Requires TAPI 1.4 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi.h.

See Also

lineGetCountry, lineGetTranslateCaps, lineTranslateAddress, LINETRANSLATECAPS