Platform SDK: TAPI


The PHONECAPS structure describes the capabilities of a phone device. The phoneGetDevCaps and TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps functions return this structure.

typedef struct phonecaps_tag {
  DWORD  dwTotalSize;
  DWORD  dwNeededSize;
  DWORD  dwUsedSize;
  DWORD  dwProviderInfoSize;
  DWORD  dwProviderInfoOffset;
  DWORD  dwPhoneInfoSize;
  DWORD  dwPhoneInfoOffset;
  DWORD  dwPermanentPhoneID;
  DWORD  dwPhoneNameSize;
  DWORD  dwPhoneNameOffset;
  DWORD  dwStringFormat;
  DWORD  dwPhoneStates;
  DWORD  dwHookSwitchDevs;
  DWORD  dwHandsetHookSwitchModes;
  DWORD  dwSpeakerHookSwitchModes;
  DWORD  dwHeadsetHookSwitchModes;
  DWORD  dwVolumeFlags;
  DWORD  dwGainFlags;
  DWORD  dwDisplayNumRows;
  DWORD  dwDisplayNumColumns;
  DWORD  dwNumRingModes;
  DWORD  dwNumButtonLamps;
  DWORD  dwButtonModesSize;
  DWORD  dwButtonModesOffset;
  DWORD  dwButtonFunctionsSize;
  DWORD  dwButtonFunctionsOffset;
  DWORD  dwLampModesSize;
  DWORD  dwLampModesOffset;
  DWORD  dwNumSetData;
  DWORD  dwSetDataSize;
  DWORD  dwSetDataOffset;
  DWORD  dwNumGetData;
  DWORD  dwGetDataSize;
  DWORD  dwGetDataOffset;
  DWORD  dwDevSpecificSize; 
  DWORD  dwDevSpecificOffset;
  DWORD dwDeviceClassesSize;               //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwDeviceClassesOffset;             //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwPhoneFeatures;                   //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwSettableHandsetHookSwitchModes;  //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwSettableSpeakerHookSwitchModes;  //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwSettableHeadsetHookSwitchModes;  //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwMonitoredHandsetHookSwitchModes; //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwMonitoredSpeakerHookSwitchModes; //TAPI 2.0
  DWORD dwMonitoredHeadsetHookSwitchModes; //TAPI 2.0
  GUID PermanentPhoneGuid;                 //TAPI 2.2


The total size, in bytes, allocated to this data structure.
The size, in bytes, for this data structure that is needed to hold all the returned information.
The size, in bytes, of the portion of this data structure that contains useful information.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing service provider-specific information, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure.

The dwProviderInfoSize/Offset member provides information about the provider hardware and/or software, such as the vendor name and version numbers of hardware and software. This information can be useful when a user needs to call customer service with problems regarding the provider.

The size, in bytes, of the variably sized device field containing phone-specific information, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure.

The dwPhoneInfoSize/Offset member provides information about the attached phone device, such as the phone device manufacturer, the model name, the software version, and so on. This information can be useful when a user needs to call customer service with problems regarding the phone.

The permanent DWORD identifier by which the phone device is known in the system's configuration.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized device field containing a user configurable name for this phone device, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure This name can be configured by the user when configuring the phone device's service provider and is provided for the user's convenience.
The string format to be used with this phone device. This member uses one of the STRINGFORMAT_ Constants.
The state changes for this phone device for which the application can be notified in a PHONE_STATE message. This member one or more of the PHONESTATE_ Constants.
Specifies the phone's hookswitch devices. This member uses one of the PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_ Constants.
Specifies the phone's hookswitch mode capabilities of the handset, speaker, or headset, respectively. The member is only meaningful if the hookswitch device is listed in dwHookSwitchDevs. This member uses one of the PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ Constants.
Specifies the volume-setting capabilities of the phone device's speaker components. If the bit in position PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_ is TRUE, the volume of the corresponding hookswitch device's speaker component can be adjusted with phoneSetVolume; otherwise, FALSE.
Specifies the gain-setting capabilities of the phone device's microphone components. If the bit position PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_ is TRUE, the volume of the corresponding hookswitch device's microphone component can be adjusted with phoneSetGain; otherwise, FALSE.
Specifies the display capabilities of the phone device by describing the number of rows in the phone display. The dwDisplayNumRows and dwDisplayNumColumns members are both zero for a phone device without a display.
Specifies the display capabilities of the phone device by describing the number of columns in the phone display. The dwDisplayNumRows and dwDisplayNumColumns members are both zero for a phone device without a display.
The ring capabilities of the phone device. The phone is able to ring with dwNumRingModes different ring patterns, identified as 1, 2, through dwNumRingModes minus one. If the value of this member is 0, applications have no control over the ring mode of the phone. If the value of this member is greater than 0, it indicates the number of ring modes in addition to silence that are supported by the service provider. A value of 0 in the lpdwRingMode parameter of phoneGetRing or the dwRingMode parameter of phoneSetRing indicates silence (the phone is not ringing or should not be rung), and dwRingMode values of 1 to dwNumRingModes are valid ring modes for the phone device.
Specifies the number of button/lamps on the phone device that are detectable in TAPI. Button/lamps are identified by their identifier. Valid button/lamp identifiers range from zero to dwNumButtonLamps minus one. The keypad buttons '0', through '9', '*', and '#' are assigned the identifiers 0 through 12.
The size, in bytes, and the offset from the beginning of this data structure in bytes of the variably sized field containing the button modes of the phone's buttons. The array is indexed by button/lamp identifier. This member uses one of the PHONEBUTTONMODE_ Constants.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the button modes of the phone's buttons, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure. This member uses one of the PHONEBUTTONFUNCTION_ Constants. The array is indexed by button/lamp identifier.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the lamp modes of the phone's lamps, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure. The array is indexed by button/lamp identifier. This member uses one of the PHONELAMPMODE_ Constants.
The number of different download areas in the phone device. The different areas are referred to using the data IDs 0, 1, , dwNumSetData minus one. If this member is zero, the phone does not support the download capability.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the sizes (in bytes) of the phone's download data areas, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure. This is an array with DWORD-sized elements indexed by data identifier.
The number of different upload areas in the phone device. The different areas are referred to using the data IDs 0, 1, , dwNumGetData minus one. If this field is zero, the phone does not support the upload capability.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the sizes (in bytes) of the phone's upload data areas, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure. This is an array with DWORD-sized elements indexed by data identifier.
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized device-specific field, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this data structure.
Length, in bytes, and offset from the beginning of PHONECAPS of a string consisting of the device class identifiers supported on this device for use with phoneGetID, separated by NULLs; the last identifier in the list is followed by two NULLs.
These flags indicate which Telephony API functions can be invoked on the phone. A zero indicates the corresponding feature is not implemented and can never be invoked by the application on the phone; a one indicates the feature may be invoked depending on the device state and other factors. This member uses PHONEFEATURE_ Constants.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be set on the handset using phoneSetHookSwitch.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be set on the speakerphone using phoneSetHookSwitch.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be set on the headset using phoneSetHookSwitch.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be detected and reported for the handset in a PHONE_STATE message and by phoneGetHookSwitch.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be detected and reported for the speakerphone in a PHONE_STATE message and by phoneGetHookSwitch.
The PHONEHOOKSWITCHMODE_ values that can be detected and reported for the headset in a PHONE_STATE message and by phoneGetHookSwitch.
The GUID permanently associated with this phone.


Device-specific extensions should use the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of this data structure.

The members dwDeviceClassesSize through dwMonitoredHeadsetHookSwitchModes are available only to applications that open the phone device with an API version of 2.0 or later.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Version: Requires TAPI 1.4 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi.h.

See Also

PHONE_BUTTON, PHONE_CLOSE, PHONE_STATE, phoneGetDevCaps, TSPI_phoneGetDevCaps, phoneGetHookSwitch, phoneGetRing, phoneSetGain, phoneSetHookSwitch, phoneSetRing, phoneSetVolume