Platform SDK: TAPI |
The following TAPI functions are implemented in Unicode (W) and ANSI (A) versions. In general, the implementation of the ANSI version calls the Unicode version and performs necessary conversions of ANSI parameters and structure fields to and from Unicode; the following table indicates the parameters that are converted.
Applications that explicitly call the generic (neither "W" or "A" suffix) version of a function will execute the ANSI version, for compatibility with previous versions of TAPI.
Note The entire Telephony Service Provider Interface (TSPI) is Unicode for version 2.0.
In the following table, references to string fields in TAPI structures consist of a portion of the field names. For example, the "Caller Address" in the LINEFORWARD structure is pointed to by a field named dwCallerAddressOffset and delimited by a field named dwCallerAddressSize; in the table, this string is identified simply as CallerAddress.
TAPI function | Parameters and structure fields converted in ANSI version of function |
lineAddProvider | lpszProviderName |
lineBlindTransfer | lpszDestAddress |
lineConfigDialog | lpszDeviceClass |
lineConfigDialogEdit | lpszDeviceClass
Note Application must handle conversion of strings in lpDeviceConfigIn and lpDeviceConfigOut, if these are directly manipulated. |
lineDial | lpszDestAddress |
lineForward | lpForwardList (LINEFORWARDLIST)
lineGatherDigits | lpsDigits
lpszTerminationDigits |
lineGenerateDigits | lpszDigits |
lineGetAddressCaps | lpAddressCaps (LINEADDRESSCAPS)
lineGetAddressID | lpsAddress |
lineGetAddressStatus | lpAddressStatus (LINEADDRESSSTATUS)
lineGetAgentActivityList | lpAgentActivityList (LINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST)
lineGetAgentCaps | lpAgentCaps (LINEAGENTCAPS)
lineGetAgentGroupList | lpAgentGroupListI(LINEAGENTGROUPLIST)
lineGetAgentStatus | lpAgentStatus (LINEAGENTSTATUS)
lineGetAppPriority | lpszAppFilename
lpExtensionName |
lineGetCallInfo | lpCallInfo (LINECALLINFO)
lineGetCountry | lpLineCountryList (LINECOUNTRYLIST)
lineGetDevCaps | lpLineDevCaps (LINEDEVCAPS)
Note dwStringFormat is obsolete. |
LineGetDevConfig | lpszDeviceClass
Note Application must handle conversion of strings in lpDeviceConfig, if these are directly manipulated. |
LineGetIcon | lpszDeviceClass |
lineGetID | lpszDeviceClass
Note Application must handle conversion of strings in lpDeviceID, if these are directly manipulated. |
LineGetLineDevStatus | lpLineDevStatus (LINEDEVSTATUS)
lineGetProviderList | lpProviderList (LINEPROVIDERLIST)
lineGetRequest | lpRequestBuffer (LINEREQMAKECALL
lineGetTranslateCaps | lpTranslateCaps (LINETRANSLATECAPS)
lineHandoff | lpszFileName |
lineInitializeEx | lpszFriendlyAppName |
lineMakeCall | lpszDestAddress
lineOpen | lpCallParams (LINECALLPARAMS)
linePark | lpszDirAddress
lpNonDirAddress (VARSTRING)
linePickup | lpszDestAddress
lpszGroupID |
linePrepareAddToConference | lpCallParams (LINECALLPARAMS)
lineRedirect | lpszDestAddress |
lineSetAppPriority | lpszAppFilename
lpszExtensionName |
lineSetDevConfig | lpszDeviceClass
Note Application must handle conversion of strings in lpDeviceConfig, if these are directly manipulated. |
lineSetTollList | lpszAddressIn |
lineSetupConference | lpCallParams (LINECALLPARAMS)
lineSetupTransfer | lpCallParams (LINECALLPARAMS)
lineTranslateAddress | lpszAddressIn
lineTranslateDialog | lpszAddressIn |
lineUnpark | lpszDestAddress |
phoneConfigDialog | lpszDeviceClass |
phoneGetButtonInfo | lpButtonInfo (PHONEBUTTONINFO)
phoneGetDevCaps | lpPhoneCaps (PHONECAPS)
Note dwStringFormat is obsolete. |
phoneGetIcon | lpszDeviceClass |
phoneGetID | lpszDeviceClass
Note Application must handle conversion of strings in lpDeviceID, if these are directly manipulated. |
phoneGetStatus | lpPhoneStatus (PHONESTATUS)
phoneInitializeEx | lpszFriendlyAppName |
phoneSetButtonInfo | lpButtonInfo (PHONEBUTTONINFO)
tapiGetLocationInfo | lpszCountryCode
lpszCityCode |
tapiRequestMakeCall | lpszDestAddress
lpszAppName lpszCalledParty lpszComment |