Libraries Required
A list of lib files required to compile various TAPI 3.0 applications, as of 3/1/99.
- advapi32.lib
- amstrmid.lib (ActiveMovie™ GUIDs)
- kernel32.lib
- mdhcpid.lib (multicast GUIDs)
- ole32.lib COM
- oleaut32.lib (COM Automation)
- rendid.lib (Rendezvous GUIDs)
- rpcndr.lib
- rpcns4.lib
- rpcrt4.lib
- sdpblbid.lib (Session Descriptor Protocol (SDP) GUIDs)
- strmiids.lib
- t3iid.lib (TAPI 3.0 GUIDs)
- user32.lib
- uuid.lib
- wldap32.lib
- ws2_32.lib
If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio®, you may need to update your version. In particular, LINK.EXE must carry a date of 3/19/98 or later.
Compiler defines must include _WIN32_WINNT 0x500 and _WIN32_DCOM.