Platform SDK: TAPI


The ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING enum is used to check on address capabilities which are described by strings.



Describes an address device-specific capability. The value is TSP dependent and can be a structure, a string, or some other type. An application should use the BSTR pointer received from Tapi3.dll as a pointer to an array of bytes (a buffer), and then interpret the buffer according to TSP specifications. Corresponds to the dwDevSpecific and dwDevSpecificSize members of TAPI 2's LINEADDRESSCAPS structure.
Describes a line device-specific capability. The value is TSP dependent and can be a structure, a string, or some other type. An application should use the BSTR pointer received from Tapi3.dll as a pointer to an array of bytes (a buffer), and then interpret the buffer according to TSP specifications. Corresponds to the dwDevSpecific and dwDevSpecificSize members of TAPI 2's LINEDEVCAPS structure.
Describes a protocol-specific capability. The value is returned as a GUID in string format. For possible values, see TAPIPROTOCOL_. A TSP may define additional values. Corresponds to the ProtocolGuid member of TAPI 2's LINEDEVCAPS structure.
Describes a provider-specific capability. The value is a plain string. It can be used with regular BSTR functions for operations such as printing and concatenating. A specific TSP might included embedded NULL characters inside these strings. If so, an application should take care when printing the value. If the embedded NULL characters are not replaced with blanks, the strings will appear truncated when printed. Corresponds to the dwProviderInfoSize and dwProviderInfoOffset members of TAPI 2's LINEDEVCAPS structure.
Describes a switch-specific capability. The value is a plain string. It can be used with regular BSTR functions for operations such as printing and concatenating. A specific TSP might included embedded NULL characters inside these strings. If so, an application should take care when printing the value. If the embedded NULL characters are not replaced with blanks, the strings will appear truncated when printed. Corresponds to the dwSwitchInfoSize and dwSwitchInfoOffset members of TAPI 2's LINEDEVCAPS structure.
Describes the GUID of a permanent device. The value is returned as a GUID in string format. This identifier must remain stable throughout, including operating system upgrades. Corresponds to the PermanentLineGuid member of TAPI 2's LINEDEVCAPS structure.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi3.h.

See Also

ITAddressCapabilities::get_AddressCapabilityString, ITAddress, Address object, LINEADDRESSCAPS, LINEDEVCAPS, TAPIPROTOCOL_