Platform SDK: TAPI |
An agent session represents an association between an agent, group, and address. The methods of ITAgentSession allow an application to retreive a variety of statistics.
See About TAPI 3.0 Call Center Controls for additional information.
Note to TAPI 2.1 programmers: Many of the methods in this interface are COM wrappers for lineGetAgentSessionInfo.
IUnknown Methods
IDispatch Methods
ITAgentSession methods | Description |
get_Agent | Gets the ITAgent associated with this session. |
get_Address | Gets the ITAddress associated with this session. |
get_ACDGroup | Gets the ITACDGroup associated with this session. |
get_State | Gets the current AGENT_SESSION_STATE of session. |
put_State | Sets the AGENT_SESSION_STATE of the session. |
get_SessionStartTime | Gets the time that a session was created. |
get_SessionDuration | Gets the duration of the Agent session in seconds. |
get_NumberOfCalls | Gets the number of ACD calls handled by this agent during this session. |
get_TotalTalkTime | Gets the number of seconds spent by this agent talking in ACD calls during this session. |
get_AverageTalkTime | Gets the average time (in seconds) spent talking per ACD call by this agent during this session. |
get_TotalCallTime | Gets the number of seconds spent on ACD calls during this agent session by this agent, including wrap-up time. |
get_AverageCallTime | Gets the average time (in seconds) spent per ACD call by this agent during this session, including wrap-up time. |
get_TotalWrapUpTime | Gets the number of seconds spent on ACD call wrap-up during this agent session by this agent. |
get_AverageWrapUpTime | Gets the average time (in seconds) spent on ACD call wrap-up during this agent session by this agent. |
get_ACDCallRate | Gets the ACD call rate per agent session. |
get_LongestTimeToAnswer | Gets the longest time (in seconds) a call was waiting to be answered. |
get_AverageTimeToAnswer | Gets the average time (in seconds) a call was waiting to be answered. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
Header: Declared in Tapi3.h.
Library: Use T3iid.lib.