Platform SDK: TAPI


Forwards calls destined for the address according to the forwarding instructions contained in ITForwardInformation. If pForwardInfo is set to NULL, forwarding is canceled.

HRESULT Forward(
  ITForwardInformation *pForwardInfo,
  ITBasicCallControl *pCall


[in] Pointer to ITForwardInformation interface, or set to NULL to cancel forwarding.
[in] Pointer to ITBasicCallControl interface for the consultation call, if required by the telephony environment. May be NULL if not required.

Return Values

Value Meaning
S_OK Method succeeded.
E_INVALIDARG The address does not support forwarding, or pCall does not point to a valid call.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation.
E_POINTER The pForwardInfo or pCall parameter is not a valid pointer.
TAPI_E_TIMEOUT The operation failed because the TAPI 3.0 DLL timed it out. The timeout interval is two minutes.
LINEERR_ See LineForward for error codes returned from this TAPI 2.1 function.


The information in pForwardInfo overrides any previous forwarding instructions.

If ITAddress::put_DoNotDisturb is called with fDoNotDisturb set to VARIANT_FALSE, all forwarding is canceled.

An application can determine whether non-NULL consultation call is required by calling ITAddressCapabilities::get_AddressCapability (AC_ADDRESSCAPFLAGS, plCapability) and checking whether the flag LINEADDRCAPFLAGS_FWDCONSULT, a member of LINEADDRCAPFLAGS_ Constants, has been set in plCapability. If it is set, a non-NULL value is required for the pCall parameter of the Forward method.

The Forward method is, in part, a COM wrapper for the TAPI 2.1 LineForward function.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi3.h.
  Library: Use T3iid.lib.

See Also

ITAddress, ITForwardInformation, ITAddress::CreateForwardInfoObject, ITAddress::get_CurrentForwardInfo, Forward Overview, Address Object, LineForward