Platform SDK: TAPI |
The ITBasicCallControl interface is used by the application to connect, answer, and perform basic telephony operations on a call object.
Note to programmers familiar with TAPI 2.1: The general function of this interface is similar to the TAPI 2.1 line functions. For example, the lineAnswer function and the ITBasicCallControl::Answer method provide similar functionality.
IUnknown Methods
IDispatch Methods
ITBasicCallControl methods | Description |
Connect | Attempts to complete the connection of an outgoing call. |
Answer | Answers an incoming call. |
Disconnect | Disconnects the call. |
Hold | Places or removes the call from the hold state. |
HandoffDirect | Hands off the call to a specific application. |
HandoffIndirect | Hands off the call to another application, specifying only the media type. |
Conference | Starts a conference, with the current call included. |
Transfer | Transfers the current call to the destination address. |
BlindTransfer | Transfers the call to the indicated address. |
SwapHold | Swaps the call (which is active) with the specified call on hold. |
ParkDirect | Parks the call at a specified address. |
ParkIndirect | Parks the call and returns the parked address. |
Unpark | Gets the call parked at the specified address. |
SetQOS | Sets the QOS service level for the call. |
Pickup | Picks up a call alerting at the specified group identification. |
Dial | Dials the given address. |
Finish | Finishes the two-step process of transferring or adding the call to a conference. |
RemoveFromConference | Removes the call from a conference. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
Header: Declared in Tapi3.h.
Library: Use T3iid.lib.