Platform SDK: TAPI


The ITParticipant interface is implemented by the IPConf MSP. It allows an application to retrieve information on conference participants, and get pointers to the streams associated with those participants.

This interface is exposed on the call object when a call uses the IP Conferencing. A pointer can be obtained by calling QueryInterface using an ITCallInfo pointer.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods

ITParticipant methods Description
get_ParticipantTypedInfo Gets a BSTR representation of the needed type of information, such as PTI_EMAILADDRESS.
get_MediaTypes Gets the media types associated with a participant.
put_Status Sets whether a stream associated with the participant is enabled.
get_Status Gets the status of the participant.
get_Streams Creates a collection of streams associated with the current participant. Provided for Automation client applications, such as those written in Visual Basic.
EnumerateStreams Enumerates streams associated with the current participant.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Confpriv.h.
  Library: Use T3iid.lib.

See Also

IPConf MSP, IPConf MSP Interfaces, ITCallInfo