Platform SDK: TAPI


Gets the dial digits and modifier characters that must be prefixed to a dialable string to cancel call waiting.

HRESULT get_CancelCallWaitingCode(
  BSTR *ppCode


[out, retval] Pointer to BSTR representation of dial digits and modifier characters required to cancel call waiting.

Return Values

Value Meaning
S_OK Method succeeded.
E_POINTER The ppCode parameter is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation.


The application must use SysFreeString to free the memory allocated for the ppCode parameter.

The value that this method returns corresponds to the dwCancelCallWaitingSize and dwCancelCallWaitingOffset members of TAPI 2's LINELOCATIONENTRY structure.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Tapi3.h.
  Library: Use T3iid.lib.

See Also

ITLocationInfo, LINELOCATIONENTRY, lineGetTranslateCaps