Platform SDK: TAPI

CMSPAddress Members

Member types Name Description
Iunknown *m_pFTM Pointer to the free threaded marshaller.
HANDLE m_htEvent Handle to Tapi3.dll's event, which is used to notify TAPI that the MSP wants to send data to it.
LIST_ENTRY m_EventList List of events.
CMSPCritSection m_EventDataLock The lock that protects the data related to event handling with TAPI.
ITTerminalManager *m_pITTerminalManager The pointer to the Terminal Manager object.
CMSPArray <ITTerminal *> m_Terminals The list of static terminals that can be used on the address.
BOOL m_fTerminalsUpToDate This flag is TRUE if the terminal list is up to date.
CMSPCritSection m_TerminalDataLock The lock that protects the terminal-related data members.