Platform SDK: TAPI

TAPI 3.0 MSP Base Classes Reference

The following material provides details on the Media Service Provider base classes.

Media Service Provider base classes (alphabetical order) Description
CAudioCaptureTerminal Derived from CSingleFilterTerminal and implements a static audio capture terminal for wave devices using the DirectShow wavein filter. Defined in MSPtmac.h.
CAudioRenderTerminal Derived from CSingleFilterTerminal and implements a static audio render terminal for wave devices using the DirectShow waveout filter. Defined in MSPtrmar.h.
CBaseTerminal A terminal base class applicable to both static and dynamic terminals. It is completely generic, so any terminal implementation can derive from this class directly or indirectly. Defined in MSPterm.h
CMSPAddress Implements the MSP address object and supports the ITMSPAddress interface. Defined in MSPaddr.h.
CMSPArray A template that implements a smart array that will grow on demand. Defined in MSPutils.h.
CMSPCallBase Provides a generic implementation of the call object and supports the ITStreamControl interface. Defined in MSPcall.h.
CMSPCallMultiGraph Defines a call that uses a filter graph for each stream. Defined in MSPcall.h.
CMSPStream Exposes methods that allow an application to start, pause, or stop a substream, and to select or unselect terminals. Defined in MSPstrm.h.
CMSPThread Implements the MSP's worker thread. Defined in MSPthrd.h.
CSingleFilterTerminal An additional terminal base class applicable to both static and dynamic terminals. Makes implementation more specific by assuming the terminal has a single DirectShow filter. Defined in MSPterm.h.
CVideoCaptureTerminal Derived from CSingleFilterTerminal and implements a static video capture terminal using a single DirectShow filter. Defined in MSPtmvc.h.