Platform SDK: TAPI

CMSPAddress MSPI Methods Implemented

The following are standard MSPI methods that all MSPs must implement. Primary documentation for these methods exists in the Media Service Provider Interface (MSPI) Reference section.

CMSPAddress methods Description
Initialize (Interface ITMSPAddress) Called by TAPI3 when this MSP is first created.
ShutDown (Interface ITMSPAddress) Called by TAPI3 when this address is not in use any more.
ReceiveTSPData (Interface ITMSPAddress) Called by TAPI3 when the TSP sends data to this MSP address object.
GetEvent (Interface ITMSPAddress) Called by TAPI3 to get detailed information about an event.
get_StaticTerminals (Interface ITTerminalSupport) OLE Automation wrapper for the helper function GetStaticTerminals.
EnumerateStaticTerminals (Interface ITTerminalSupport) Enumeration wrapper for the the helper function GetStaticTerminals.
get_DynamicTerminalClasses (Interface ITTerminalSupport) OLE Automation wrapper for the helper function GetDynamicTerminalClasses.
EnumerateDynamicTerminalClasses (Interface ITTerminalSupport) Enumeration wrapper for the helper function GetDynamicTerminalClasses.
CreateTerminal (Interface ITTerminalSupport) This method is called by the application to create a dynamic terminal. It schedules a work item on the MSP's worker thread, which, when executed, asks the Terminal Manager to create a dynamic terminal. The derived class can override this method to have its own way of creating a dynamic terminal.
GetDefaultStaticTerminal (Interface ITTerminalSupport) This method is called by the application to get the default static terminal for a specified type and direction. It updates the default terminal list (if needed) and returns the interface pointer. The derived class can override this method to have its own way of deciding which terminal is the default. Locks the terminal lists.