Platform SDK: TAPI

Media Service Provider Interface (MSPI) Reference

This document outlines the interfaces that provide methods that allow an MSP to interact with the Microsoft Telephony environment and allow a TAPI 3.0 application to use an MSP's media controls.

Media Service Provider Interface interfaces Description Required?
ITMSPAddress Exposed only to TAPI. Main MSP interface for the TAPI DLL. TAPI 3.0 calls CoCreateInstance on this interface to create the MSP object. Yes
ITStream Exposed to applications. Provides methods that allow an application to retrieve information on a stream, to start, pause, or stop it, and to select or unselect terminals on a stream. Yes
ITStreamControl Exposed to applications. Provides methods that allow an application to create or remove streams. Yes
IEnumStream Exposed to applications. Enumerator interface for ITStream. Yes
ITSubStream Exposed to applications. Provides methods that allow an application to retrieve information on a substream, to start, pause, or stop it, and to select or unselect terminals. Optional
ITSubStreamControl Exposed to applications. Provides methods that allow an application to create or remove substreams. Optional
IEnumSubStream Exposed to applications. Enumerator interface for ITSubStream. Optional
ITTerminal Exposed to applications. Gets information on the Terminal Object, such as terminal call and media supported. Yes
ITTerminalSupport Exposed to applications. Provides methods to query on available terminals and create additional terminals. Yes

Media Service Provider Interface Types


See Also

Media Service Provider Interface (MSPI)