Platform SDK: TAPI


The IMcastLeaseInfo interface exposes methods that can get or set information concerning a multicast address allocation. The IMcastLease object is created by calling IMcastAddressAllocation::CreateLeaseInfo.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods

IDispatch Methods

IMcastLeaseInfo Methods Description
get_RequestID Obtains the request identifier of the lease.
get_LeaseStartTime Obtains the start time of the lease.
put_LeaseStartTime Sets the start time of the lease.
get_LeaseStopTime Obtains the stop time of the lease.
put_LeaseStopTime Sets the stop time of the lease.
get_AddressCount Obtains the number of addresses requested or granted in this lease.
get_ServerAddress Obtains a string representing the address of the multicast server granting this lease.
get_TTL Obtains the TTL (time to live) value associated with this lease.
get_Addresses Obtains the collection of multicast addresses that are the subject of this lease or lease request. Similar to EnumerateAddresses, but used by scripting languages.
EnumerateAddresses Obtains the collection of multicast addresses that are the subject of this lease or lease request.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Mdhcp.h.
  Library: Use Mdhcpid.lib.

See Also

IMcastAddressAllocation, IMcastScope, IMcastAddressAllocation::CreateLeaseInfo, IMcastAddressAllocation::RequestAddress, IMcastAddressAllocation::RenewAddress