Platform SDK: TAPI


Sets the transport protocol. This is specified in addition to the media format so that the same standard media format may be carried over different transport protocols even when the network protocol is the same, such as with Vat PCM audio and RTP PCM audio.

HRESULT put_TransportProtocol(
  BSTR pProtocol


[in] Pointer to a BSTR containing the transport protocol.

Return Values

Value Meaning
S_OK Method succeeded.
E_POINTER The pProtocol parameter is not a valid pointer.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Insufficient memory exists to perform the operation.
E_FAIL Unspecified error.
E_NOTIMPL This method is not yet implemented.


The application must use SysAllocString to allocate memory for the pProtocol parameter and use SysFreeString to free the memory when the variable is no longer needed.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Sdpblb.h.
  Library: Use Sdpblbid.lib.

See Also

ITMedia, ITMedia::get_TransportProtocol