Platform SDK: TAPI


The ITConnection interface provides the following functionality:

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods

IDispatch Methods

ITConnection Methods Description
get_NetworkType Gets the network type.
put_NetworkType Sets the network type.
get_AddressType Gets the address type.
put_AddressType Sets the address type.
get_StartAddress Gets the first address to be used for the session.
get_NumAddresses Gets the number of addresses to be used for the session.
get_Ttl Gets the TTL (time to live) scope for transmissions on the addresses.
get_BandwidthModifier Gets the bandwidth modifier.
get_Bandwidth Gets bandwidth value.
SetAddressInfo Sets address information.
SetBandwidthInfo Sets the bandwidth value.
SetEncryptionKey Sets the encryption key needed to decrypt the session or an indication to a mechanism to obtain a usable key by external means.
GetEncryptionKey Gets the encryption key.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Version: Requires TAPI 3.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in Sdpblb.h.
  Library: Use Sdpblbid.lib.