Platform SDK: TAPI

Session Identifier

TAPI applications use a session identifier to communicate with TAPI concerning a specific session. (Note: A session identifier is not identical to a Call ID, which may be assigned by a service provider.)

One session identifier exists for every call that an application owns or monitors. An application typically obtains an identifier either by creating a new communications session or by TAPI passing to the application a session that was initiated elsewhere.

Each application that handles a given session has a unique identifier. A particular identifier cannot be passed to a different application. Call ID can serve this function, if the service provider implements it.

Resources associated with a session are not automatically deallocated when a session terminates. The associated information may continue to be useful, such as for logging operations. The application must specifically release the resources.

See Initiate a session for information on operations that create sessions and return a session identifier. See Respond to session initiated elsewhere for operations that acquire session identifiers from TAPI. See Terminate a Session for information on releasing session resources.

Under TAPI 2, the primary identifier of a communications session is the call handle.

For TAPI 3, a session is represented by a Call Object and the primary identifier is a pointer to the ITCallInfo interface.

All service providers must support some form of call identification.