Platform SDK: TAPI

TSPI Basic Telephony Functions

All service providers must implement Basic Telephony functions. The following is a list of such functions by category. A function is identified as asynchronous if it indicates completion in a REPLY message to the application. If the function always returns its result immediately, the function is considered synchronous.


Answering Incoming Calls

Call Drop Functions

Call States and Events

Line Status and Capabilities

Line Version Negotiation

Making Calls

Opening and Closing Line Devices

TSP Initialization and Shutdown

TSP Initialization and Shutdown

TUISPI_providerInstall Installs a TSP. Synchronous.
TSPI_providerInstall Installs the TSP. Obsolete with Version 2.0. Synchronous.
TSPI_providerInit Initializes the TSP. Synchronous.
TUISPI_providerRemove Removes a TSP. Synchronous.
TSPI_providerRemove Removes a TSP. Obsolete with Version 2.0. Synchronous.

Line Version Negotiation

TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion Allows an application to negotiate a TSPI version to use with a given line device. Synchronous.

Line Status and Capabilities

TSPI_lineGetDevCaps Returns the capabilities of a given line device. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetDevConfig Returns configuration of a media stream device. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus Returns current status of the specified open line device. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineSetDevConfig Sets the configuration of the specified media stream device. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages Specifies the status changes for which the application needs to be notified. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetID Retrieves a device ID associated with the specified open line, address, or call. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetIcon Allows an application to retrieve an icon for display to the user. Synchronous.
TUISPI_lineConfigDialog Causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box that allows the user to configure parameters related to the line device. Synchronous.
TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit Displays a dialog box allowing the user to change configuration information for a line device. Synchronous.


TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps Returns the telephony capabilities of an address. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus Returns current status of a specified address. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetAddressID Retrieves the address ID of an address specified using an alternate format. Synchronous.

Opening and Closing Line Devices

TSPI_lineOpen Opens a specified line device for providing subsequent monitoring and/or control of the line. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineClose Closes a specified opened line device. Synchronous.

Call States and Events

TSPI_lineGetCallInfo Returns fixed information about a call. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineGetCallStatus Returns complete call status information for the specified call. Synchronous.
TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific Sets the application-specific field of a call's information structure. Synchronous.

Making Calls

TSPI_lineMakeCall Makes an outbound call and returns a call handle for it. Asynchronous.
TSPI_lineDial Dials (parts of one or more) dialable addresses. Asynchronous.

Answering Incoming Calls

TSPI_lineAnswer Answers an incoming call. Asynchronous.

Call Drop Functions

TSPI_lineDrop Disconnects a call, or abandons a call attempt in progress. Asynchronous.