Platform SDK: TAPI


The TSPI_phoneConfigDialog function is obsolete.TAPI version 1.4 or earlier service providers can implement this TSPI function. TAPI version 2.0 or later TSPs implement TUISPI_phoneConfigDialog.

The TSPI_phoneConfigDialog function causes the provider of the specified phone device to display a modal dialog box as a child window of hwndOwner to allow the user to configure parameters related to the phone device.

LONG TSPIAPI TSPI_phoneConfigDialog(
  DWORD dwDeviceID,        
  HWND hwndOwner,          
  LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass  


The phone device to be configured.
A handle to a parent window in which the dialog box window is to be placed.
A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that identifies a device class name. This device class allows the caller to select a specific subscreen of configuration information applicable to that device class. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, the highest level configuration dialog box is selected.

Return Values

Returns zero if the function succeeds, or an error number if an error occurs. Possible return values are as follows:



TSPI_phoneConfigDialog causes the service provider to display a modal dialog box as a child window of hWndOwner to allow the user to configure parameters related to the phone specified by dwDeviceID. The lpszDeviceClass parameter allows the application to select a specific subscreen of configuration information applicable to the device class in which the user is interested. The permitted strings are the same as for TSPI_phoneGetID. For example, if the phone supports the Comm API, passing comm/datamodem as lpszDeviceClass causes the provider to display the parameters related specifically to Comm (or, at least, to start at the corresponding point in a multilevel configuration dialog box chain, so that the user doesn't have to search to find the desired parameters). The szDeviceClass parameter should be "tapi/phone", "", or NULL to cause the provider to display the highest level configuration for the phone.

The procedure must update the [Windows Telephony] section in the Win.ini file and broadcast the WM_WININICHANGE message if it makes any changes to Telephon.ini that affect the contents of structures visible to applications (such as PHONECAPS), or if phone devices are created or removed.


  Windows NT/2000: Unsupported.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 only.
  Version: Requires TAPI 1.4 or earlier.
  Header: Declared in Tspi.h.

See Also