Platform SDK: TAPI

Installation and Initialization

Installation of a new service provider is highly device- and operating-system-specific, so the details are outside the scope of this SDK. Generally speaking, the goal of installation is configuration of the service provider for the current communications environment. This usually involves registry entries and the setting of service dependencies.

Initialization of a telephony service provider starts with version negotiation. See TSPI Versioning for a discussion of version negotiation and current version.

TAPI then calls TSPI_providerInit, which passes the provider a pointer to a callback function used to report on asynchronous functions progress. The TSP returns a count of line and phone devices associated with the current device identifier.

Typically, the next step will be resource inventory, conducted by TAPI invoking TSPI_lineGetDevCaps and TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps. The service provider is expected to fill in those elements of the data structures involved that pertain to device and session capabilities it supports.

TAPI collects information from the various applications concerning event notification requirements, and instructs the TSP using TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection to indicate which media types to detect for a line and TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages to indicate which line and address events should be reported.